A journey through matrilineal memory and oral storytelling, the passing on and generational reinterpretation of the moon goddess of Chinese legend, Chang'e.
Original music and narration: Lucy Yao
Found footage shot and edited by Dyan Jong
Poem: “Lore” by Nancy Huang
Space footage provided by NASA
Submission for the Facebook SparkAR Hackathon
Collaboration of Aaron Santiago, Dyan Jong, Nick Gregg, Olivia Seow
Computer generated Dada set design in Unreal Engine.
Presented by This Is Not A Theater Company, Readymade Cabaret 2.0 is an interactive online theatre experience in which the audience chooses scenes by rolling dice.
Press Announcement | NY Times Review | Howlround Livestream | The Theatre Times
Melbourne Fringe Festival, Jairangam Theatre Festival, Edinburgh Festival Fringe Online